Our story

We’ve been involved in discipleship ministry for over 24 years.

Burke Care offers biblical discipleship care to men and women locally, nationally, and internationally. We view biblical discipleship care as our way of working out the Great Commission since the gospel informs every area of life, from thoughts and emotions to desires and actions.

The gospel is the good news found in the Bible—that God so loved the world He sent His one and only Son to die for sinners, people like you and me, and rose from the dead so that we don’t have to fear death or be enslaved to sin.

Our Mission

To bring Glory to God, equip the saints, minister the Word and care for all those He put in our path.

“Above all, we must help people know God better. Too many answers we give are merely intellectual, merely theoretical, merely propositional. We must so teach and counsel and pray with people that we deepen their experiential knowledge of God. We must so get them into meditative and rigorous reading of the Word of God that they draw vast comfort from its pages. At the deepest level, men and women must learn, with Job, that God is very great, and it is an inexpressible privilege to know him, to be satisfied with him, even when—especially when!—we do not have all the answers.”

D. A. Carson, How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil, 2nd ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 224.

Our Beliefs, Philosophy, and Methodology

At Burke Care our Beliefs, Philosophy and Methodology are closely aligned with the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC). Read more here.

Burke Care is always open to disciple and extend care to anyone who has a desire to grow in their knowledge and relationship with the God of the Biblc. We do not require any pre-defined doctrinal commitment from the ones we disciple other than a desire to learn about and pursue Jesus in new and fresh ways.

While Burke Care appreciates and accepts differences of opinion on various doctrines, we believe the Foundation Documents of the Gospel Coalition along with the confessional and doctrinal statement set forth by the Biblical Counseling Coalition (BCC) capture the essential core of theology we at Burke Care want our Discipleship Care Professionals, ABC Level 1 & 2 Mentors and Supervisors to affirm.

For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.


We approach Biblical Discipleship Care through the use of frameworks and a process lens.

Romans 8:29 supports this approach by challenging each of us to pursue the goal of conformity to Christ. One question could be, “How do we go down that path together?” Much of Burke Care’s focus has been on making disciple-makers.

Another way Burke Care approaches biblical discipleship care is speaking in terms of hope—real hope. Burke Care’s hope is that those that we disciple will want more of Christ. The success lies in each of us desiring Christ and sharing Christ with others. Burke Care is motivated by our struggles and God’s faithfulness in those struggles. We want others to experience this resurrecting, hope-filling, and life-giving power.

Our Values


We are gospel-centered and biblically-informed. When discipling individuals and couples we are intentional about going to Scripture first. We make it a practice to focus on returning to biblical wording, Biblical stories, and truth found in Scriptures. We want the Bible to ultimately inform our discipleship care and counsel.


We want to care well for those that we disciple. Our focus is on imaging Christ in His care for the flock. We want to initiate care in the discipleship sessions while also advocating real care must take place within the local church community. We want to promote a culture of care base in truth and love.


We love the bride of Christ. We desire to empower, equip, and resource those we disciple to continue the Great Commission through discipleship care. We want to see the biblical counseling movement being impacted through our care model to the ends of the earth, for God’s glory.


Burke Care is committed to discipling others out of the story that God has given each of our Discipleship Care Professionals. Our desire is to bring gospel-centered Discipleship Care to the rural part of the English-speaking world that has traditionally not had access to Biblical Counseling. We believe that access to true Biblical Counseling is a much-needed ministry in many small local church bodies. Burke Care wants to facilitate and grow the planting of Biblical Counseling Centers as God leads.

Our Pathways


Burke Care wants to be at the forefront of equipping pastors, elders, deacons, ministry and lay leaders in Discipleship Care through the proper use of Scripture. We want to make “disciple-makers”. We want to be equipping the saints for the work of ministry both locally and in the remote areas of North America and the world whether that is through our Advocacy Care model or through our Internship Care model.


Burke Care wants to be a technology leader in both platform capabilities and redundancy in order to facilitate the use of gospel saturated resources within the Discipleship Care model. Utilizing tools such as home work, bible guides and devotionals. Burke Care wants to provide up-to-date resources to those within the Discipleship Care model.